Monday, September 26, 2016

Deer Acting Like Dogs and Eating Ghost Peppers

Hello everyone,

This past week was really fun and different here in Aitkin. All of our investigator lessons dropped on us, but we mainly focused on doing service for people, so it was ok. The whether is cooling down a bit, the high is 50 today, and it's very windy. Also the leaves are changing colors, so I will be taking a picture of that soon, as the start to hit their peek. 

Tuesday: We had a district meeting, then went to sister Peicek. She knows my birthday is coming up, so she keeps asking me what type of cake I want. So I need to decide soon. That night we went to the Decents who have four kids and are all members. But we pull up, and we see a deer next too their house. Well it turns out, that it is actually a pet now. And you can walk up and pet it. They aren't controlling it from running away, but they do enjoy it's presence. It's name is Buck Buck. 

Wednesday: We had an appointment with a man named Stan. He has had a stroke, so he talks very slow. He a nice guy, but he mainly just wants the company from missionaries. He decided he wanted us to watch him filet some fish he caught the day before. It was random but fun to watch. After we mowed someone's lawn and then went to our branch president house to help him get ready for a move. 

Thursday: We drove to Duluth to go on splits with the zone leaders. Duluth is the city next to Lake Superior on the Minnesota side. I went with elder Larson, and we were able to also go into superior Wisconsin and teach a few people. We had a really good day, and I was able to teach a lot of people. We taught someone who is trying to quit smoking and we read to him Alma 48 7-11. Which talks about how Moroni prepared to go to battle by building fortifications or towers and walls to defend against the lamanites. It was cool, cuz we related the lamanites to cigarettes and the fortifications to the barriers that we can put up against smoking. We gave him a packet with a bunch of quotes, facts, pictures, and other things. That he can cut out and put up around his apartment to remind him to not smoke. We also talked about how when you get the feeling to smoke, go and do the things that get your mind off of it. And we made a list of activities he can do.

Friday: We had zone conference. It was fun to be able to meet people in the zone and listen to the mission leaders. A quote that president Forbes said, but he didn't make it up. Was "Guilt is pain for the soul" which I thought was very interesting about how we can have physical pain, but also spiritual pain. Later that day, we had a zone pday where we went to a place called Adventure Zone, which we played mini golf, laser tag, batting cages, and arcade games. It was fun to be able to relax. We drove back to Aitkin that night, and got home around 11:30. 

Saturday: John and Char cancelled on us, while we were driving to Crosby, but we had a good day planned out so it didn't affect us. We first met with rusty, and he said he hast been able to read the Book of Mormon, but he will this week, cuz he doesn't have to work. We had a good conversation about why we had trials. Then we went to sister Shultz who is very less active, but likes to meet with us. She owns, lives in a thrift shop, and is pretty crazy. But she listened to us about how we need to pray to have spiritual experiences in our lives. She also gave us a basketball, so we are happy about that. For dinner we went to the Decents’ again, but this time they all started telling us that we need to eat a ghost pepper. So the Ghost Pepper a few years ago was the hottest pepper in the world, now it's either second or third. So we gave in and both eat one. All I can say is for about 10-15 minutes we were in a crazy amount of pain. But worth it, to say we did it. I'll attach a video.

Sunday: Church was very good, during Elders quorum we talked about refuges and the talk that was given about them in this last conference called "Refuge From the Storm". They talked about how we need to have sympathy for them and try to help. Someone said that this transition from going from Syria to Minnesota or from hot climate to cold climate would have been extremely difficult. Then they all looked at me and started laughing, cuz that's what I'm doing ha-ha. After church Sammy one of our investigators got baptized, with one of the Decents’ girls. It was awesome to be able to see them get baptized, and be the witnesses for it. Also we shared the children's bible videos about baptism, which is really funny, cuz its little kids talking about the meaning and importance of being baptized. It was a really nice baptism.

Quote of the week: Cynics do not contribute, skeptics do not create, doubters do not achieve. President Hinckley Father

I like this quote because too many people put others down in the world, if you have a dream, you’re the only person that has the ability to either achieve it or not. Cynics, skeptics, and doubters don't contribute any good with their opinions. I ask you next time before you voice your opinion on a matter, ask yourself if I'm lifting others, or just putting them down.

I love and miss you all,
Elder Jason Schauers 

Here is Elder Schauers and Elder Wilson eating the Ghost Chili Peppers.

I received this pics from Sister Jantz  - the branch presidents wife. 
They are packing iup and heading to a mission of their own to Germany for 18 months.  They will be greatly missed.  Jason grew to love them very quickly.

Monday, September 19, 2016

1st Grader vs Chicken

Hey everyone. 

It has been a good week. Funniest thing that happened
was we went to a less active family's house. And we were talking to
the parents and one of the kids were bugging them. So the dad told him
to go and grab his bow and arrow (little kids target practice ones)
and shoot the annoying chickens. Well his dad didn't think he had good
enough aim to actually hit one. Well he was wrong. The first grader
nailed two chickens. Didn't kill them or anything. But the chickens
definitely weren't happy about it. Well that was probably the
highlight of me week. Hopefully I'll think of something more spiritual
to redeem us from the level I just brought us too.

Monday: we went shopping for winter cloths, but nothing was out yet,
which is kinda scary since it's going to be a harsh winter, and snow
is right around the corner.

Tuesday: The highlight was that we went tracking that night and met a
senior in high school named Clayton. We gave him a pamphlet and talked
to him about the restoration. He seemed very interested in religion in
general, so hopefully we can teach him more. We also met an old lady
who wanted to read the Book of Mormon really bad. She thought that we
go around selling them, which made me laugh. That would make our job
even harder.

Wednesday: We had a New Missionary conference in Bloomington. But
since I'm the farthest missionary away from there (3 1/2 hours) I had
to Skype in. So that was pretty lame. But it saved us mile. My MTC
companion and I were the only two new missionaries that Skype in out
of the 23 that came out with us. After our district leader came down
and we went on splits. We met with a less active at a gun shop that he
is a co owner for. That was pretty cool, he said he was going to go to
church, but never made it. Also went tracking for the rest of the day.
Didn't get anything out of it, but we were planting seeds.

Thursday:all four of us missionaries went to sister Peicek and had
lunch and did service for her until it started raining, we also fixed
her lawn mower. After our lessons cancelled, the district leader
interviewed Sammy who is getting baptized on the 25th. That night we
went and met with Ray who is kinda an eternagator, and doesn't want to
get baptized. But we play chess with him once a week. I have yet to
see someone beat him. But it's still fun.

Friday: we had a pretty good lesson with Cece about how the Book of
Mormon can relate to our own life's today, and also how important it
is to go to church. She said she would go to church, but she didn't
make it. That night we went to a high school football game, cuz it was
the big rivalry between one street signal Aitkin vs. bigger small town
Crosby/Ironton. We stayed until half time since it started to rain,
but Aitkin won. Which we wanted since a kid on the branch plays for

Saturday: I got my bike back finally, and it is working pretty well so
far. All of our plans ended up cancelling, so we decided to ride our
bikes 10 miles to rusty, Jason, and Michaels house. Right once we got
there, they were leaving. So that was really fun, but good exercise I
guess. After, we talked to a less active named Kyle. He was super
funny, and loves missionaries. He said he would come to church, but he
didn't make it.

Sunday: As you can tell, we had a bunch of people say they would come
to church, but never made it. So we will work harder on that. It was
the primary program Sunday, so I didn't care too much that the they
didn't make it. At church, a super nice blind lady in the ward named
Penny invited us to go the the football Jv football game on Monday to
support her son, and also to get to know her ex husband a little more.
So that will be fun. We had our last lesson with Sammy, and now she is
all good to go to get baptized this Sunday.

Quote of the week:-"Weaknesses become strength, challenges become
opportunities, trials become triumphs, and adversity becomes an
adventure in the service of the lord." -M. Russell Ballard
I like this a lot because I just finished reading a book from elder
Ballard. It's called Our Search For Happiness. It was a great book.
But I like this quote because missions are designed to be hard to make
the missionaries transform into a stronger, smarter, more obedient,
and refined young adult. To really shape us for the rest of our
life's. I know that this church is true, and that this is where I need
to be at this point in my life. Even though this is the hardest thing
I've ever done, I know it's worth it. And I can already seen the
change I've made from the first day in the MTC until now.
I love and miss you all.

Elder Schauers

Out contacting with compaion, Elder Wilson

Monday, September 12, 2016

First Lesson Miracles

Hey everyone, it's been a good week. We keep putting up good numbers
for Aitkin. We have been told that Aitkin hasn't been this productive
in a long time. So that's really exciting, but also crazy to think,
cuz it's still super hard to find people to talk to/ teach. We are
working hard and trying to find new ways to find people. So to tell
you more about our district goal of having 30 first lessons, and
Aitkins goal to have five. We have achieved our goal, and we have
gotten 7 first lessons, it's been really fun. Now the zone leaders
have to buy us ice cream. ( cuz that's what they promised to do haha)

Tuesday: We had a lesson with John and Char again. And they committed
to baptism. We are so stoked. We are really worried, cuz they have
some word of wisdom issues, and a law of chastity issues. Since they
were married, then divorced because of being on welfare they get more
money being single. So our next lesson with them is going to be really
interesting haha. Hopefully they will see the importance of these
changes in their life and that money is just a temporal issue.

Wednesday: We did a lot of service. Since Minnesota is just covered
with grass, and it grows like crazy cuz of the whether. We mow a lot
of lawns. We had lunch with sister Peicek, and she gave us a bomb
apple pie. So we went and bought ice cream and have eaten it for every
meal since.

Thursday: Not a lot happened, but we tracked, which is so fun.
(Sarcasm). Every house was a bust until the very last one, and then we
got a first lesson. It just goes to show that you have to have faith,
and then being willing to work for it. And then heavenly father will
put someone in your way that is willing to listen.

Friday: We tracked again and met a man named David. We had a good
first lesson with him. And he invited us back. I also got to talk to
president Forbes and he gave me some advice on how to adjust to
missionary life, and also for John and Char.

Saturday: This was a day of enduring. We went to Crosby, which is the
town that is 10 miles away and that has a lot of people to teach. We
brought our bikes so we could save miles. Well through out the days
every lesson we had planned out and set up and appointment for didn't
show up to the lesson. So we had to keep changing plans which was
tough. Then my bike pedal broke off, and we were three miles away from
a bid shop. So I rode the bike like a scooter all the way there. (
they called me today saying that I can pay for a new pedal, which is
20 bucks, or I buy a pedal and a lower bracket cuz that's messed up
too for 150.) the pedal isn't a sure fix, but I'm still on,y paying 20
bucks and just hope, pray, and maybe give my bike a blessing that it
will be fixed.

Sunday: Church was great, the members of the branch are so faithful
and strong. It's really cool to see how the church is the same
anywhere you go. We had an appointment with Cece. But she wasn't home.
It's really disappointing when an investigator with a baptismal date
doesn't show up for a lesson. But we made the best out of the rest of
the day.

Monday: today I'm going shopping for winter cloths cuz in about a
month it's going to start snowing here and get really cold.

Well I hope you all are doing well, I love and miss you all.
Elder Schauers

P.S We be knocking at your door.

Monday, September 5, 2016

I've Been On A Mission For A Month

This past week was pretty productive, especially for Aitkin. My area
is a pretty big area, but we can't work a lot of it cuz we have
limited miles on the car. So we have to plan really well to meet
people that we haven't ever talked too before. So my mission has a
goal of getting 100 people to set a date for baptisms. This month we
hit 97 date sets, we were so close. But that's ok cuz it motivates us
to just work a little bit harder this next month to find a few more.
I'll tell you about the week by days cuz I think that will be the
easiest and less confusing haha.

Tuesday: We met with a lady named Sister Pecik. She is not a member of
the church, but she loves the missionaries. Once a week, she makes us

lunch and in return we mow her lawn and keep her company for a bit.
She is super nice. Everyone calls her the best Mormon Catholic around.
I think of her like the Aitkin missionary mom. She even makes­ all the
missionaries slippers. It's pretty sweet. After we met with an
investigator named Cece. She is kind of an eternagator, but this time
our focus was inviting her to be baptized. We set a date with her for
October 22, which is awesome. But she has a lot of word of wisdom
issues that she has to take care of first to be able to get baptized.
Also just learning the importance of being baptized, and the blessings
that come with it.

Wednesday: Probably the highlight was we go to this meeting at the
library called Virtues club. It's just a group of people who talks
about different virtues. Not many people attended, so instead of doing
the normal discussions, they decided to start asking my companion and
I questions about the church. It was pretty interesting and
entertaining to hear and answer some of these questions, cuz they were
pretty crazy. But we did get to teach about the plan of salvation.
They all seemed interested about that.

Thursday: We had district meeting, so that was fun cuz we actually got
to see other missionaries. Which we never get to see cuz we are so far
away. As a district we set a goal to get 30 first lessons in 13 days.
Every companionship said what they thought they could do, and then we
added them up. So our goal was 5. Once we got back into our area we
visited an old dropped investigator. They let us in, and we taught
them the restoration. It was super cool. They said they would go to
church, but they never made it sadly. But we picked up two new
investigators. And a first lesson.

Friday: The zone leaders came and we blitzed Aitkin. I went with Elder
Jones. We were able to get another first lesson, by meeting with a
less active part member family. So we are going to start teaching them
also. I learned a lot that day by working with someone new and finding
different teaching styles. The other companionship got another first
lesson and a new investigator. So that was a super productive day.

Saturday: For most of the day we did service for a member of the
branch. We helped with clearing branches, and then splitting wood and
stacking it. I'm grateful that my family doesn't live in a place where
you have to do that every summer to prepare for winter. It was fun
though, cuz it changed up our missionary routine to be able to do
something different. We had a first lesson set up with this lady named
Franny, but she wasn't home.

Sunday: Sunday's are great. I enjoyed it being fast Sunday, and being
able to fast with a purpose. It makes it more meaningful, and
enjoyable. Cuz when I'm hungry I just think about why I'm doing it,
and then it isn't as bad. We had a lesson with Sammy. It was really
good. She is getting baptized in a few weeks. We also met with Rusty,
Jason, and Michelle. They are super cool, and have some sweet beards.
We talked about the gospel with them, and they said they would read
the Book of Mormon. And that they want us to come back, so we can
discuss it with them.

It was a very good week, I'm still adjusting to being on a mission.
They hardest part for me is thinking that I'm doing this for two
years. It seems like a long time. But I know that I'm doing it, so
it's up to me to enjoy it and have fun. This week’s miracle was that if
you set goals, you will achieve them by working hard. It's been four
days since we made that goal, and we have already have 3 first
lessons, we have more already set up for this week. I know this church
is true, thanks for all the support and prayers. I can really see it
working. I miss you all.

Love Elder Schauers

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