Monday, September 26, 2016

Deer Acting Like Dogs and Eating Ghost Peppers

Hello everyone,

This past week was really fun and different here in Aitkin. All of our investigator lessons dropped on us, but we mainly focused on doing service for people, so it was ok. The whether is cooling down a bit, the high is 50 today, and it's very windy. Also the leaves are changing colors, so I will be taking a picture of that soon, as the start to hit their peek. 

Tuesday: We had a district meeting, then went to sister Peicek. She knows my birthday is coming up, so she keeps asking me what type of cake I want. So I need to decide soon. That night we went to the Decents who have four kids and are all members. But we pull up, and we see a deer next too their house. Well it turns out, that it is actually a pet now. And you can walk up and pet it. They aren't controlling it from running away, but they do enjoy it's presence. It's name is Buck Buck. 

Wednesday: We had an appointment with a man named Stan. He has had a stroke, so he talks very slow. He a nice guy, but he mainly just wants the company from missionaries. He decided he wanted us to watch him filet some fish he caught the day before. It was random but fun to watch. After we mowed someone's lawn and then went to our branch president house to help him get ready for a move. 

Thursday: We drove to Duluth to go on splits with the zone leaders. Duluth is the city next to Lake Superior on the Minnesota side. I went with elder Larson, and we were able to also go into superior Wisconsin and teach a few people. We had a really good day, and I was able to teach a lot of people. We taught someone who is trying to quit smoking and we read to him Alma 48 7-11. Which talks about how Moroni prepared to go to battle by building fortifications or towers and walls to defend against the lamanites. It was cool, cuz we related the lamanites to cigarettes and the fortifications to the barriers that we can put up against smoking. We gave him a packet with a bunch of quotes, facts, pictures, and other things. That he can cut out and put up around his apartment to remind him to not smoke. We also talked about how when you get the feeling to smoke, go and do the things that get your mind off of it. And we made a list of activities he can do.

Friday: We had zone conference. It was fun to be able to meet people in the zone and listen to the mission leaders. A quote that president Forbes said, but he didn't make it up. Was "Guilt is pain for the soul" which I thought was very interesting about how we can have physical pain, but also spiritual pain. Later that day, we had a zone pday where we went to a place called Adventure Zone, which we played mini golf, laser tag, batting cages, and arcade games. It was fun to be able to relax. We drove back to Aitkin that night, and got home around 11:30. 

Saturday: John and Char cancelled on us, while we were driving to Crosby, but we had a good day planned out so it didn't affect us. We first met with rusty, and he said he hast been able to read the Book of Mormon, but he will this week, cuz he doesn't have to work. We had a good conversation about why we had trials. Then we went to sister Shultz who is very less active, but likes to meet with us. She owns, lives in a thrift shop, and is pretty crazy. But she listened to us about how we need to pray to have spiritual experiences in our lives. She also gave us a basketball, so we are happy about that. For dinner we went to the Decents’ again, but this time they all started telling us that we need to eat a ghost pepper. So the Ghost Pepper a few years ago was the hottest pepper in the world, now it's either second or third. So we gave in and both eat one. All I can say is for about 10-15 minutes we were in a crazy amount of pain. But worth it, to say we did it. I'll attach a video.

Sunday: Church was very good, during Elders quorum we talked about refuges and the talk that was given about them in this last conference called "Refuge From the Storm". They talked about how we need to have sympathy for them and try to help. Someone said that this transition from going from Syria to Minnesota or from hot climate to cold climate would have been extremely difficult. Then they all looked at me and started laughing, cuz that's what I'm doing ha-ha. After church Sammy one of our investigators got baptized, with one of the Decents’ girls. It was awesome to be able to see them get baptized, and be the witnesses for it. Also we shared the children's bible videos about baptism, which is really funny, cuz its little kids talking about the meaning and importance of being baptized. It was a really nice baptism.

Quote of the week: Cynics do not contribute, skeptics do not create, doubters do not achieve. President Hinckley Father

I like this quote because too many people put others down in the world, if you have a dream, you’re the only person that has the ability to either achieve it or not. Cynics, skeptics, and doubters don't contribute any good with their opinions. I ask you next time before you voice your opinion on a matter, ask yourself if I'm lifting others, or just putting them down.

I love and miss you all,
Elder Jason Schauers 

Here is Elder Schauers and Elder Wilson eating the Ghost Chili Peppers.

I received this pics from Sister Jantz  - the branch presidents wife. 
They are packing iup and heading to a mission of their own to Germany for 18 months.  They will be greatly missed.  Jason grew to love them very quickly.

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