Monday, October 24, 2016

55 Lessons in One Week as a District

Hey everyone, this was a super productive week. We definitely saw a lot of miracles and were able to talk to people that we normally never get in contact with.

Monday- We were in Grand Rapids playing sports all day, once we got back we put a light bulb in for Penny who is blind.

Tuesday- We helped cut and stack wood for a member in the branch, and the visited Ron and Lisa. Lisa has recently found out she has a tumor in her brain which is effecting her sight. They are both members of the branch. Since they found out about the tumor, every doctor visit since has had good news saying that it's not a severe as they thought. Still very scary, but the power of prayer is real.

Wednesday- The zone leaders came and went on exchanges with us. We first had lunch with sister piecek, which she made me a birthday cake, which was very nice of her. After Elder Coon and I left to go to Crosby, we first helped Melanie in her thrift shop move stuff, and then taught a lesson about gaining a testimony about the Book of Mormon. Next we met a man named Brett, he has been taught before, but is willing to discuss more about the church. He kind of has some weird deep questions, that don't have any real significance. Next met with sister Scheller, we had a good lesson, the goal was to talk about president Uctdorf talk from this past general conference, but she likes to bounce around during the lesson. After dinner, we went to and investigators house named Tammy. We taught the gospel of Jesus Christ, and invited her to be baptized, she said yes, and is planning on November 19. After we went to a potential investigator named Darcy. They let us in, and after talking for a while, a man came out of the other room, who I didn't recognize. We asked if we could teach a lesson. So we taught the gospel of Jesus Christ, and it went well. Once we were leaving the man I didn't know came out side with us. And his name is Colton, and he said he would like to learn more, and is searching for the true church.

Thursday- We met with Cece, but we had to cut the lesson short since she had some family issues pop up. Next we met with Arlene, who doesn't want there to be a life after this, cuz she says it will be too much work, and she enjoys life here too much. So that was interesting, we helped her move stuff, and then left. Next we went to Jean, who is a lady we met while tracting. We taught her the restoration, she says she doesn't want to change religions, but wants to come closer to Heavenly Father. So she likes us coming and teaching. We later had dinner with Penny.

Friday- we went to Sister Morris home, and a less active family was there. They asked if would like to stay for dinner, so we gladly accepted. We taught them about president Uctdorf talk.

Saturday- I was asked to prepare a talk for church in case the high council man didn't show up. Elder Wilson got a call from the assistance saying he was being emergency transferred to a new area speaking Karen (yes I spelt it right, and yes our mission will ask you to learn a language) He got really sad, but five minutes later he got a call saying they were just messing with him. Later we met with Rusty, he said he hasn't read any of the Book of Mormon, but said he will this week, cuz he life gets back to normal now. Then we had a fall festival for the branch, and only 10 people showed up.

Sunday- I didn't have to give a talk. Elder Wilson did, and then I am talking next week. After church, we went and met with Cece sister named Kiela and her daughter, and taught a lesson. Next we met with a lady named Desire, she said she is super busy, but is going to come to church on Sunday with her mom. She wants to find a church to take her family too. Later, we met with a less active named Josh, and his wife's name is Karma, they are super nice, and we would love for them to come back to church. He struggles with coming, cuz the branch is all related, and because of that it has created drama in the past. He is super cool, and he said he would think about bringing his kids to church.

This was a super good week, in total we taught 10 other lessons 4 less active lessons, got 2 new investigators, and one super solid potential. Heavenly Father is definitely preparing people to receive the gospel, we just hope we can bring them all the way to the waters of baptism and activity in the church.

Elder Jason Schauers

P.S. Played another game of Monopoly and won. My record is 5/6.
Birthday Dinner at Sister Piecek

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