Monday, October 10, 2016

Catholic Mass

Hey everyone, this week was pretty good. It wasn't as exciting as the weeks before, but that's ok. The weather is starting to change her. We are starting to wake up to frost in the mornings. And I still haven't been able to find a winter coat, because Minnesotans don’t display coats until it starts snowing pretty much. So hopefully I can find one soon. 

Monday: We went and mowed lawns and then service tracting. We found out that people are just as mean to us when we offer to do service, as when we are trying to spread the gospel. It's interesting to learn people don't want free service. But we are going to try again.

Tuesday: Everyone in the district came to Aitkin for district P-day. We eat lunch at sister Piecek with everyone and then played basketball and football. We also played to games of monopoly and I won both.

Wednesday: Ee went to Brainerd to go winter cloths shopping, but didn't have any luck. Once we got back, we went and had a lesson with Cece. We read Alma 48:7-11. It talks captain Moroni commanding his armies to build fortifications around the cities to help protect it from the lamanites. We then related building fortifications to putting up barriers to help quit smoking. We talked about alternatives to what she can do to get her mind off it, and what to do when she is tempted to smoke. She said she just needs to find the will power to quit. We invited her to pray for the strength, and we have been praying for her also.

Thursday: We went to Crosby. We first met with Sister Schultz and daughter the gospel of Jesus Christ. Then went and met with a man named Jerome. He is pretty weird. He has many word of wisdom issues. Then he randomly decided to give me a hug, I don't think I have ever felt that uncomfortable in my life. But some people are here to teach us patience. After we met with Kyle and showed him the restoration video. He struggles with it a little. Last we met with Sister Schaller we read the President Monson’s talk to her about the words of wisdom, that he gave in the priesthood session. She really liked it, and said it is giving her more motivation to be freed from the bonds of addiction. 

Friday: We met with Sister Morris and discussed Elder Bednar’s talk about the four steps to coming closer to Christ. She really liked it. It was a good lesson for an active member family to hear.

Saturday: We went back to Sister Morris farm and helped her son cut wood. Then they started herding cows, so that was pretty entertaining to watch. After we headed over to teach John and Char but they called and cancelled. So we went back and finished cutting wood. Then they took us to DQ which was great. So we went back and showered. Sister Piecek invited us to go to catholic Mass with her. So we went, and all I can say is I'm very grateful for the restored gospel of Jesus Christ that we get to enjoy every day. The Deacon told everyone one that he won some alcohol in a competition and everyone just laughed. #theyneedthewordofwisdom

Sunday: Church was great, sister Piecek was the first non-member that I have invited to come to church that actually came. But even better was two less actives Kyle and sister Shultz came too. So we have three people come that normally wouldn't have. Also President Franz our branch president got released due to him and his wife are leaving on a mission to Germany soon. I'm sad to see them go, they were my favorite family in the branch. Our new branch president is President Halfner. He was the second counselor. Later we went to Crosby and met with Rusty. He said he lost his Book of Mormon, but he said he looked stuff up on the internet. At first I was worried he might have got into some anti stuff, but he found a semi good website that talked about questions and answers about our church. He has a lot of the same views we do about religion. We gave him a Book of Mormon and he said the closing prayer. He prayed exactly like the member of the church would have. It was super cool, all we have to do is convince him to stop drinking alcohol ha-ha, easier said than done. Next we went to Tammy house. We played chess with her sons, and then showed her and another man named Lawrence the restoration video. They received it very well.

Well that was my week, I'm grateful for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, it is the true church. Having the experience of going to another church just clarifies that to me even more. We aren't a church that is one day a week, we must live the gospel everyday of our lives.

I hope you all have a good week!
Duluth Zone

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